With the beginning of the new year most businesses are getting their marketing material and plans in place. Let’s take a look at five digital and traditional marketing areas which your business should be focusing on in 2019.
Strategy and planning are key areas in business, and surely in marketing. Take time to sit down and brainstorm how you plan on tackling your marketing initiatives.
You will thank yourself later. Doing ad hock marketing has never shown success. There are few lucky ones who might have succeeded. All business owners know luck is not something to count on in business so why do it with marketing.
Beat the noise by focusing on your customer. Your time and money will go much further if you talk to your customers vs. talking just to anyone. Simply make sure you are consistent in talking to them. All relationships are meant to last if we take care of them. Keep your customers in the loop and let them know you are here for them. A good CRM software will definitely be of help. There are multiple CRMs out there but few stand out: Salesforce, Hubspot or even a new one I started using called Infinity ECM (offers more than just CRM).
Nothing new here but surely more of it. Videos are prime content for digital marketing and 75 million people in the US watch online videos daily.
- Sharing knowledge is best way to get known within your industry. Everyone appreciates little insights and knowledge
Case studies: You have successfully completed a project so why not share the lessons learned and outcome. Your industry peers will be grateful for it and most likely you will get leads from this form of marketing. - Blogging: Its one of my favorite ways to learn about my industry. I follow multiple bloggers or simply read blogs on different industry sites. Content Marketing institute is a local, Cleveland based company which focuses on content marketing and are great resource. https://contentmarketinginstitute.com
- Newsletters: Email is definitely not dead. As a matter of fact, sending newsletters via email is more tactful and will give you much higher success rate reaching your customers. Key with newsletters are good content and CONSISTENCY! Most popular email marketing tools are Constant Contact or Mailchimp.
Marketing works best when you are authentic. Your message will resonate when it’s your own. I cannot stress enough how important it is to develop authentic message and image. We have countless examples in the world how authenticity has propelled many businesses. Now they are big brands but once they were all startups. They own their success to carefully crafted message and image. Examples are Apple, Starbucks, Levi’s, Google…
Measure everything you do. Each month take time to create reports and compare how you did the previous month. Pretty quickly you will find how much you have grown not just sales wise but also brand wise. There is nothing as clear as numbers. They will provide you with insight and guidance.